Tuesday, September 30, 2014

謝安琪 - 家明


謝安琪 - 家明


他出發找最愛 今天也未回來
途中那些細節 沒有太多的記載

但為什麼不放開 竟吊在懸崖旁邊盼待
難道信尚有份禮物 等他去拆開

誰若碰到這個他 還望可將那美意帶回家
流落野外恐怕 太快叫他睇化
愛情 電影 小說 也太虛假

誰若碰到這個他 能為他了了這小心願嗎
也願你任由他 騎著世上最終一隻白馬

他不過想要愛 差點上斷頭台
人家跌倒兩次吧 就再不相信愛

浪漫願他不要改 所信是模糊 仍肯冀待
誰願意 為美麗信念 坦克也震開

找太耐 就算找得太耐
他拒絕 未上訴便下台
大地上 問有哪位敢這樣愛

無論你是愛他不愛他 還是可將那勇氣帶回家
時代遍地磚瓦 卻欠這種優雅
教人夢想 不要去談代價

最後即使走進浮砂 沉沒中 也會發出光亮嗎
臨近破滅一下 要是信任童話

他出發找最愛 今天也未回來
留低哪種意義 就看世間怎記載

Friday, September 5, 2014

Snow Patrol / Leona Lewis - Run

Leona Lewis' cover Run, a song with ethereal and the underlying roomy feeling of British Rock.

If I remember correctly, this song is originally written and sung by Snow Patrol.  So great!


I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

S'il Suffisait D'Aimer & JYJ

Céline Dion - S'il Suffisait D'Aimer

One of my favorite songs by Céline Dion.  I learned about it from Joey Yung's cover.

Followed by JYJ Triplets!  


Get Out

Found You

Now that I think about it.  They might be the Korean boy band I listen to the most......